“Beautiful spot for wine tasting - and lovely wines. We had an excellent time with Ben who taught us a lot about their wines and made the experience fun. Great value getting the premium wine tasting selection.”
ANISHA, Google Reviews
Effective: 10 July 2023
Protecting your privacy is important to us.
This privacy policy provides you with an understanding about how we collect, use and safeguard the personal information you provide to us on our site or as a customer of Crittenden.
Key elements of this policy include:
When you visit crittendenwines.com.au, our stats package from Google collects some basic information about your browser. We may automatically collect the following data:
This information helps us understand how visitors browse our site, so we can make their shopping experience better.
We also use this information to understand how customers come to our website and their preferences.
You can also opt-in to our membership options when you visit our site by selecting the Wine Alliance club or the Tasting Circle (previously known as Friends of Crittenden). This information can also be collected at events, through competitions and at the Wine Centre.
In our e-commerce facility, customers will also need to provide personal data and payment details to purchase products online to process the sale and deliver the goods or services pruchased to the correct customer.
By using the website, purchasing products online or opting-in to your preferred membership option, you need to provide consent and agreement with the terms of this policy.
If you choose to sign up to any of our membership options at Crittenden, we do need personal information to honour our commitment to you.
You can select to be a member of the Wine Alliance or our Tasting Circle. We also have a sub-set called the Inner Circle, which is a more targeted and tailored program for select customers.
If you become a member of the Crittenden Wine Alliance, we will need to collect the following data from you:
We require this information to ensure we can process your regular product shipment, ensure you are age eligible under the Victorian Liquor Control Reform Act 1998, and we deliver your products to you correctly.
As a member of the Tasting Circle or Inner Circle, we need to collect the following data from you:
This information ensures we can deliver exclusive and regular communications and promotions to you and that you are age eligible under the Victorian Liquor Control Reform Act 1998.
We use a number of business applications to collect and process information, including a secure and encrypted payment gateway, freight delivery company and marketing email database system.
From time to time, for the benefit of Crittenden members and customers we may share data with Crittenden partners and affiliates with the purpose of providing exclusive sales, promotions or event invitations.
There are occassions where cookied information from site visitation will be utilised with targeted marekting and advertising platforms for the purpose of tailored Crittenden product, promotion or event marketing.
Under no other circumstances will any personal information we be sold or distributed to any other web site or list not affiliated with Crittenden, unless:
All the payment information we collect is done so under SSL - a standard internet security measure. Any data that we store about you is kept behind a secure firewall in our database and is not accessible to the public in any way.
While we take all reasonable and responsible precautions to ensure your data is secure and protected, there always remains the risk of harm. The internet can be insecure and therefore we are unable to guarantee the security of data beyond what is reasonable and practical.
We will store the data we collect for as long as you provide consent and we have a purpose for storing it.
Tasting Circle and Inner Circle Members
If you have chosen to opt into our newsletter or marketing emails and decide to opt out, we have a simple unsubscribe form accessible on all email newsletters. Also, under the member area, you will find a simple form to unsubscribe and/or close your account.
If you have any other questions or require modifications to your account, please contact:
Crittenden Wine Centre - 03 5987 3800 / winecentre@crittendenwines.com.au
Zoe Crittenden - 03 5987 3800 / winealliance@crittendenwines.com.au
Wine Alliance Members
If you would like to cancel your Wine Alliance membership or you have questions or require modifications to your account, please contact:
Zoe Crittenden - 03 5987 3800 / winealliance@crittendenwines.com.au
Crittenden Wine Centre - 03 5987 3800 / winecentre@crittendenwines.com.au
This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time to ensure compliance with The Privacy Act 1998, and to reflect any changes to our data collection process. When we amend this Privacy Policy we will update the 'Effective Date' at the top of this Privacy Policy. We will notify you of any changes and may require you to re-confirm your consent when substantial changes are made.
We also recommend checking back in and reviewing the policy periodically for any minor modifications made to the policy.
In Australia, the legal age to buy or consume alcohol is 18 years of age. The age gate and our request for you to provide your birth date, act as a reminder and confirmation of your legal status as an Adult who is legally permitted to consume of wine.
We do not knowingly collect or use personal data from children under 18 years of age. If we learn we have collected personal data from a child under 18 years of age, the personal data will be deleted as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about your privacy, or want to make changes to your profile, or get off our marketing list, please get in touch - 03 5987 3800 / info@crittendenwines.com.au
“Beautiful spot for wine tasting - and lovely wines. We had an excellent time with Ben who taught us a lot about their wines and made the experience fun. Great value getting the premium wine tasting selection.” ANISHA, Google Reviews Open Daily 10:30am to 4:30pm